Welcome to my party.

Red velvet curtains glisten under the spotlight. A microphone
patiently waits center stage as does the audience: an endless
shadow of figures that fade into darkness. Suddenly, they
erupt with glee as Candice Palladino, effervescent & magnetic
show-woman, dances toward her light.
Well, howdy, folks.
The cheers subside as she pulls the mic from its cradle and
playfully curtsies.
Thank you. If you liked that,
you’ll love this.
Giggles. From the audience and Candice.
Well... Here we are.
(taking it all in)
The beginning. Beginnings. Not
easy for me. The advice I got
was, “Sell yourself, kid. Let ‘em
have ya.”
She grimaces as she starts to pace. Her spotlight follows.
Ya?! Okay... You... ME?!
(she snaps)
Got it: I’m from New York but
love a lil’ twang in my music.
Dogs are better. Than anything.
And joy, emotion not the human,
accompanies me wherever I go.
Just ask the ritzy party planner
who hugged me because I single
handedly got her party started.
Not a euphemism.
Candice drops her mic then points to the tech booth at the
back of the house.
Barry hates that part.
A new mic flies from backstage. She catches it. Obviously.
She winks to laughter and applause.
Okay, I know. Back to ‘Sell
yourself. Hmm, alright...
I don’t...know.
Who was I?!
She paces some more contemplating her life’s choices.
I thought. And thought. And...
Then suddenly stops and faces out to her audience.
Eyes sparkling as if they just made an awesome discovery.
Underneath the brash, bold, and
silly exterior, I was an artist.
No, am. Definitely AM.
A knowing hush silences the crowd as she takes her space.
Gone are the days of wishing &
whining. Because now I do.
Creating makes me feel alive. It
gives me purpose.
It f*cking feels good.
She smiles. Slyly.
Sure, there’s more, and you’ll
soon find out what but, simply,
that’s me in all my weird, artsy
glory. Candice Palladino:
Actress. Creator. Bundle of joy.
Put it on the billboards just
like that and with blinking
lights in case I ever forget.
Laugher and applause reverberates from each crevice.
Sounds like a good beginning,
The crowd cheers and shouts, “Yes!”
Good. Because I’m here. And ready
for more. Make way, World.
(belting out each note acapella)
I. Am. Here.
Written by Candice Palladino:
Award winning actress, creator, & bundle of joy

OK, OK, You Want More?
Candice is currently on the festival circuit with the short sci-fi comedy film “C’mon”, where she acted, directed, edited, and co-produced. She is also in pre-production for the horror comedy web series “Frightseers” as both actress and co-producer.
Winning multiple awards for her work, she holds a Master of Arts (MA) from the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, as well as a Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) from New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts. Past credits include: Angela and AI Cindy in C’mon, Daisy May in It’s Daisy May, Dixie in The Great Charade, Lauren in Vampire Virus, Missy in Blink, Ashley in The Getaway, voicing four USA commercials for TRESemme haircare, and starring in the groundbreaking voice activated video game Unknown Number. She is a well-rounded and highly skilled artist who writes, performs, and creates to her heart’s content.
A writer/producer, too?!
It’s true! I’ve been behind the lens for a few years, but (drum roll, please…) in 2021, I started my very own production company: Pond Jumper Productions.
With roots firmly planted both in New York and London, Pond Jumper celebrates the best (and funniest) aspects from both cultures to create engaging, entertaining, and elegantly hilarious visual art of all shapes and sizes.
To hear more and #JumpWithUs, follow us on social media #PJP